The value of your car is not only the price you pay for it, but also how much it costs you to operate it and how long it provides you service before you have to replace it. Getting a good price when you buy a car is only the beginning. Keeping it maintained and operating at maximum level will improve the overall expense of operating your vehicle.
Our technicians have the training and access to the latest technical equipment to service, maintain, or repair your Electric Vehicle (EV) or Hybrid Vehicle. We can help you and your EV get the best possible battery output for maximum range and efficiency.
Every car lover’s dream is to have a dream car. Whether it’s a classic muscle car or a modern performance car, UAR can make your dream come true. From subtle performance tweaks to get a bit more horsepower or the extreme upgrades that give you monster horsepower, UAR has the experience and tools to make your dream car a realty. Supercharge your car with a blower or nitrous oxide fuel delivery system. Increase handling and stopping ability with a lowered suspension and race-quality brakes. Get the most out of your machine with performance upgrades from UAR.
Is your car’s air conditioner blowing as cold as it used to? Does it smell sometimes? These all could be signs that your air conditioning systems needs attention. Getting your car’s air conditioner serviced at the first sign of trouble will save you both money and time.
Your car’s battery is a key component in its proper operation. Sure, a very low battery will make it hard to start your car, but a battery that just somewhat low will put extra strain on your car’s charging system and possibly cause electronic components to fail or not operate properly.
Your car’s brake system is a series of components that must work together perfectly to bring your car to a dependable stop every time. Brake disks, pads and fluid all wear out and need to be changed regularly. Even if your brakes aren’t making any noise, it’s a good idea to have them checked periodically. Come in today for a free brake check. We’ll inspect your brake system and let you know where you stand.
When your car or truck is not running properly, UAR's ASE Certified technicians can assess your vehicle and diagnose the problem. Best of all, we can safely test your car using our Dynojet Dynamometer for up to 200 mph without it ever leaving the shop. We have extensive knowledge of both foreign and domestic cars and a variety of modern tools to accurately test your vehicle.
If your business relies on a fleet of trucks or cars, their safe and dependable operation is a prime concern. Whether you have one truck or one-hundred, Ultimate can keep them all running in top condition.
Your car uses fluids for a variety of purposes. Lubrication, pressure, timing, etc. It is vital that these fluids are fresh so they can do their job protecting your car from wear, keeping temperatures low and moving hydraulic parts.
Ultimate Auto Repair is a professional installer of interlock ignition devices (IIDs). An IID may be installed into a vehicle under corporate mandate or to promote safe driving in company vehicles. Once installed, the vehicle will only be started if the user passes the breathalyzer test and has a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level below state regulations. If the operator has passed the test, the vehicle can be started and operated as usual.
Not all oil is created equal. Additionally, not all places that can change your oil are equal. Having your oil changed at a reputable service facility will ensure it is done properly with quality oil products. At Ultimate Auto Repair you will have the choice of the best brands of full synthetic oil, synthetic blend oil, or high mileage motor oil.
Have you been noticing spots on the ground where your car was parked? Those stains could be harmless condensation from your air conditioning system, but it could also be something much more serious—motor oil, radiator coolant, or any number of other vital fluids from your car.
Your car’s engine generates heat as it performs its task of propelling your car down the road. This heat has to be managed. It runs efficiently when it’s warm but run less efficiently if it gets too hot. Worse yet, parts can start to fail if temperature rise too high. The management of your engine’s temperature and the dissipation of excess heat is the job of your car’s cooling systems. This includes the radiator, cooling fans, water pump, thermostat, coolant, pressure cap, overflow tank reservoir and other various parts.
Your car’s steering and suspension are responsible for providing you with a smooth side by keeping your wheels firmly intact with the road. If you start to notice your car isn’t quite as smooth-riding as it used to be or doesn’t track easily down the road without a lot of input from you on the steering wheel, you could be noticing a faltering steering and suspension system.
We offer a huge selection of brand-name tires at affordable prices. We also offer tire and wheel services including tire rotation, wheel alignment, tire repair, and tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS).
Your car’s transmission has the task of taking the energy produced by your engine and converting it into energy that will move your car down the road. Today’s modern transmissions do this very efficiently and smoothly in part thanks to advancements in transmission fluid technology. The cleaner this fluid is the better it can do its job. That is why vehicle manufacturers recommend regularly scheduled transmission service.
Regular tune-ups to your car will keep it running efficiently and dependably. At Ultimate Auto Repair, our tune-up service includes a visual inspection of your engine components. We will replace parts that are at the end of their useful life (including spark plugs and fuel filters) as needed.
Our bumper-to-bumper vehicle inspection gives you a complete picture of your car’s health. It’s a great way to catch little problems now, before they become big problems later.
The efficiency of your car as it travels down the road is improved with the proper alignment of its wheels and tires. This is accomplished with a series of adjustments that control the angle of your wheels in relation to each other and the car’s frame. With proper alignment you achieve maximum efficiency and minimum tire wear.
Properly operating wiper blades can make the difference when driving in poor weather. Because rain showers are a frequent occurrence here in the Tampa Bay area, you need wiper blades that you can count on to clear your windshield of rain quickly and efficiently. If your wiper blades are noisy, don’t maintain good contact with your windshield, or worse yet, scratching your windshield, have them replaced immediately.