We offer a huge selection of brand-name tires at affordable prices. We also offer tire and wheel services including tire rotation, wheel alignment, tire repair, and tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS).
We offer a huge selection of brand-name tires at affordable prices.
In addition to new tires, we also offer services to protect your tires from uneven wear, increase fuel efficiency and keep your ride as smooth as possible.
- Tire Rotations
- Wheel Alignment
Your tires go through a lot as they carry you and your car around town. They have to deal with potholes, nails, screws and any number of things that can puncture a tire. If you do encounter a puncture, your tire may be able to be repaired with a patch or plug to give your tire some more life on the road.
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
Today’s car monitor everything that’s going on. Some cars now monitor tire air pressure. While this give you peace of mind to know your tires are inflated to the proper pressure, it can also be a problem if one of these sensors fails. If the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) light is lit in your dash, one of expert, ASE-certified technicians will be able to test your system and see where the problem lies.